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Hawaii Photos
Map of Hawaii

Exploring the Hawaiian Islands is a feast for the senses -- fragrant air, warm breezes, bright colorful flowers and sweet juicy fruits... truly a Tropical paradise!


This trip was my first travel adventure. Feeling bored and trapped, I quit my job and flew to Hawaii with only a backpack - no itinerary or hotel reservations, just some clothes, my camera, a toothbrush and some money. What a blast!

Waikiki Beach

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Waikiki Beach
Waikiki Beach
Waikiki Beach
Waikiki Beach
Waikiki City View
Waikiki at Night
Ala Moana Canal, Honolulu
Pali Lookout, Hawaii
View from Pali Lookout, Hawaii
Sunset in Waikiki Beach


Waikiki Beach as seen from just beyond Diamond Head. Oh that wonderful water!!








Waikiki Beach - canoes everywhere








Waikiki Beach

Honestly it's extremely touristy, but if you're not here to relax it can be fun







Waikiki Beach

Ahh...the beautiful waters of the Pacific... I'm content to sit and stare at the waves all day







Waikiki city view
Sadly, it's not what it was when I first visited in the 80's -- it's now a noisy, lively city






Waikiki at night - all lit up abuzz with activity









Ala Moana Canal in Honolulu








Pali Lookout

A few miles outside of Honolulu is this neat little scenic overlook, offering stunning views of the city and Waikiki






On top of the world

View of Honolulu and Waikiki from Pali Lookout. Diamond Head is that bump on the left.







Beach Sunset


Along Hwy 72 (near Diamond Head)

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Park near Diamond Head
Park near Diamond Head
Highway 72 Scenic View
Hawaii Paragliders
Hawaii Trail
Hawaii Rooster
Lush green oasis in Hawaii
Hawaii Scenic Overlook


To get to more scenic, pristine places, drive out near Diamond Head!!! 
Here is a lush, quiet park facing Diamond Head. Many people were doing yoga, it was that peaceful...








The trees in Hawaii are amazing!!!









A bit further up is a wonderful scenic overlook off Hwy 72 - oh so peaceful... (and very Planet of the Apes :-)








Paragliders flying over the waters...(wish I was up there...)











A trail takes you down to the sandy beach









Yes, even a rooster here!








Further up on the scenic overlook is this lush green oasis









Relax and enjoy your lunch here...


Haumauma Bay, Hawaii
Wai-Alea Beach Park, Hawaii
Rocky Beach off Highway 72 in Hawaii
Rocky Beach off Highway 72 in Hawaii
Rocky Beach off Highway 72 in Hawaii
Blowhole Overlook in Hawaii
Blowhole Overlook in Hawaii
Looking leftward from Blowhole Overlook in Oahu
Rocky Coastline in Hawaii
Sandy Beach north of Waikiki
Sunset off Waikiki Beach


Haunauma Bay

The waters are sparkling crystal clear. Perfect for snorkeling!








Manicured lawns near Wai-Alea Beach Park









Even further on Hwy 72 is this stretch of dramatic rocky beach









Looking to the left...









Looking to the right








Blowhole overlook. This is a hole in the rock; when the waves hit just right, water shoots up like a geyser









Many tourists - not what I remember from the 80's...









Looking leftward - such beautiful scenery!







Dramatic rocky coastline on the north side of the island









Beautiful, quiet Sandy Beach. If Waikiki is too crowded & touristy, this is the place to go!!!








End of a perfect day...


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